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Sarah Jarrett, Claire Gibson, Blaise Sailes



Claire Gibson

like maps the lines of bark

Are etched in the dewfall.

Let us lie in the colour of colourless Breath 

As the yellow collar of air

Ruffles the branches

Of grey newspaper trees.

Sly eyes look away from the 

Clotting shine of light and dark,

Hanging fiercely 

And the grey felt of dusk slips loosely 

Around the girdle of fertile dreams.

Only in sleep

Do riches fade into gaps that bleed,

Do visible scars stampede,

Only in sleep.


Blaise Sales

a thread of blue 

w(e)aves through you 

                                    drip-laced to set 

     your sticky beads                               a-rolling

                        blue blooms         in the gap-stitch 

                                                     of synaptic touch

                                                          some real fork-in-socket stuff    

blue (s)wells of light 

                         recede                 you bleed and bleed 

                                                                      and breathe nothing  

                                                                             but fibrillated blue 

 blue’s pulse (s)ticks 

                             to the threadbare stitch 

                                         of your streaming 

                                                       dreaming skin           

                                                                                  all the neural patterns 

                                                              that never become            images

blue’s murmur-beat        

                         pounds              through your skin’s  

                                                            ductile rings  

                                                                                           your (e)yes 

                                                                   patterned orbs                    give way 

                                                                                            to throat 

the throat a mirror-ball

the zero-radius of your throat 

                a mirror-ball                          blue sings                                                        

                                     the (n)ever-language of thought 

                                                              blue writes 

                                     the metric (c)inch of skin 

                                                               blue rolls 

your throat-strings                                

                                    a wavelet for your voice 

                                                                                         a wavelet for your pluck

                                                               blue lets in 

                                                 lets out 

the oceanic impetus 

                           to vacillate 

                                                                                  a wavelet for your form 

                                     a wavelet                                             for your graciousness 

the rip of time blue opens

      rip(e) to bursting 

                                     this warp          

                      of blue                         beyond you


                                                                                to a diamond 

   the (s)pool of blue



        the beat of blue  



Sarah Jarrett's work thrives on the art and processes of transformation using collage and painting to breathe new life in an existing idea. She loves to explore the human relationship with nature, themes of light and dark, incorporating vintage and contemporary styles. Sarah is a visual storyteller hoping to create an emotional resonance with the viewer and a sense of magic and wonder. Instagram @sarahjarrettart

Claire Gibson (Booth) has written seven poetry books and is publishing hopefully her eighth collection in January 2025 Path of Swans. Claire reaches out for the spirit in her work and also designs greeting cards. @everywordisamemory

Blaise Sales is a poet and PhD student at the University of Leeds, where she researches brain-body-world relations and ecological fiction. She co-edits the journal Poetry and Audience and co-founded the postgraduate poetry writing group 'Kerning'. Her poetry has appeared in Anthropocene, WRoCAH Journal, Consilience, CePRA Journal, Priestley Climate Poetry and Poetry and Audience. She is currently organising a visual poetry workshop on animals, language and surrealist anatomies at the Henry Moore Institute.

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