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Jorn Peter Budesheim, Paul Brookes, Genevieve Chorneki, Selene Ceridwen Lee, Robert McCarthy



Paul Brookes

penned sheep who wolf whistle

out of saltmarsh gloom and murk

crop waterside pastures

with short blue-grey bills.

Ewes and lambs autumn brown,

orange, ice white, tups

are soft grey with chestnut heads

and creamy yellow foreheads.

These sheep have wings,

shepherd broods across clear,

glassy surfaces feed on eelgrass

beds, mow fresh waterside.

One of the Seven Whistlers, perhaps,

souls of unchristened babies,

messengers of misfortune,

when the six find the seventh,

the end of the world.


Genevieve Chornenki

Raindrops and dew overfill a lochan 

in the heather-silent bog, 

a gloaming space,

a beckoning place 

where a dun-coloured hood enters an opening out of time

—a child’s cowl let fall by grieving hands.

Moon upon moon upon moon, 

low clouds swaddle it, 

moss and sedge shield it 

from the curlew’s spirit-wailing 

and the charms of the night-scented orchid.

Moon upon moo

till men flaying a bank in fog-filled air

cleave its sepulchre—

—light and heat and incense of heather pour out!

wilder than a tempest, sharper than a dagger.

A hell-spirit not, but the cowl,

glowing, gilded, glorious

Hand-shadows, too, 

sleek with lanolin. 

Fingers pluck fleece from moorit ewes

pull out bracken bits

drop spindle whorls

ply yarn

thread looms, throw shuttles

weave two-by-two twill for the hood’s pixie-pointed peak,

chevron bands for the shoulders, neck.

And the fringe—oh, the fringe!

pea tendrils long as a lamb shank:

fourteen-hundred fine woolen threads

twenty-one thousand twists

three-hundred-and-fifty catkins that once circled a chieftan’s waist,

reworked for the curls of a peedie red-head.

Previously published in Thin Places & Sacred Spaces


Selene Cerridwen Lee

Inward where the moors grow mirthless,

avoiding tongue with teeth of creeping bent.

My marrow merry to rust and turn over to celtic tuft unwound 

as crows pluck at pine bones and 

soil croons more so sinew.

In becoming stained, further sodden with space,

prevails sorrow for the slumbering holt

that forgets to spill over this way, the man bewildered 

by the howl of boundless green

as if it is not itself filled with the urgency,

the cantata

of life.


Rob McCarthy

Roses twine the after-action crossbeams,

vacant of hemp just now. Gibbet lends

its trellis of cage to climbing convolvulus,

their trumpet-blossoms for now suitably muted.

Fire to the littered field tenders

greetings; licks the steel-storm

gleanings as a dog might a hand.

Meanwhile, uplands blaze with Spring’s

green ignition; the jocose sound

of shepherd’s pipes. A lamb concocts

a gavotte from a his own frisky gambols;

and somewhere a sow devours its farrow.

Jörn Peter Budesheim was born in Marburg in 1960, studied art in Kassel until 1986, where he has lived ever since. He received the Kassel Cultural Award, was on the board of the documenta forum (2016–2022), and is a member of the Kunstbalkon gallery. From 2019 to 2023, he was involved in the Hugenottenhaus, an art venue in Kassel, and has been a member of the artist collective Naturkunde since 2021. Numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad since 1978. Jörn Budesheim is a draughtsman; what counts is beauty and poetry. His subject is man in his reality.

Paul Brookes is a shop assistant. His chapbooks include Wolf Eye, (Red Ceilings Press, 2023), Wolf Eye Territory,(ImpSpired, 2024), and Ever Striding Edge, (Dark Winter Press, 2024). Forthcoming The Dude Work, (Sherwood Press). He edits The Wombwell Rainbow Interviews and Challenges and a new substack webzine, The Starbeck Orion. Starbeck Orion | Substack

Genevieve Chornenki is a poet, writer, editor, and literacy coach with a background in dispute resolution. Her poems have been accepted for publication by the League of Canadian Poets, Friends Quarterly, Prairie Fire, and other print and online publications in Canada, the UK, and Australia. Genevieve belongs to the Writers’ Union of Canada and the Canadian Authors Association and is an associate member of the League of Canadian Poets. She lives in Toronto, Canada

Selene Ceridwen Lee is a young Welsh writer with a reverence for free verse and prose poetry that unwinds the equivocal nature of self and sanctity in earth's coils. Instagram @darlinglune

Robert McCarthy is a writer living in New York City. His work has been published in The Argyle Poetry Journal, Orbis, New Ulster Review, the Alchemy Spoon, and others.

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