Angela Arnold
You think you can escape the truth of all this
unspeaking stone? Uncontradicting
itself, unpretending
to be something more, something
with grand names to it?
Listen. Listen even to its silent
refusal to say ‘Present’ because present it isn't – not
in the present: a compression
of past and wordless admonition
is all it is. Touch it,
really, and then try
and tell me another small lie, pretend
to be truly here
when you say
set, ancient words: again, again, another layer –
disrespecting all sense
of the true core of this place.
Emily Tee
after Denise Levertov’s “Stepping Westward”
I leave behind the clay
that sculpts the mounded hills
of my home near the Cotswolds
where the warm earth is malleable
letting me re-mould myself
shape-shifting as time requires
I travel south, east, to the Chilterns
this land is flint hearted
hidden within the chalk hillsides
these are the calcified remnants
relics of long gone sea creatures
the flint protrudes through paths
sharp as a tooth, stark as a broken bone
if I must make myself flint then let me
hard times demand hard responses
yet the lesson may not be to become stone
but find a way to use that strength
a sharp edge to strip a carcass
pare away unwanted flesh
prepare a new skin to be worn
a mantle round my shoulders
I’ll harness only what’s needed
within its own season
keep learning as I go
Julie Liger-Belair is delighted by the act of dividing up an image into countless parts, to then reassemble them into new stories, as this is the beauty of collage, as well as the endless possibility of new narratives, and the re-contextualizing of imagery. Julie lives in Toronto and works in a garage studio where she sometimes allows her husband, three children and little black dog Frida, to visit. Instagram @julie.liger.belair
Angela Arnold is a writer, poet, artist, creative gardener and environmental campaigner. Her poems have appeared in print magazines, anthologies and online, both in the UK and elsewhere. First collection In Between: ‘Inner Landscapes’ and Relationships (Stairwell Books, 2023). She lives in North Wales. Twitter/X @AngelaArnold777
Emily Tee writes poetry and flash fiction. She's been published online and in print in a variety of places including Dreich Mag, The Ekphrastic Review, Whale Road Review, Unlost Journal, Roots Zine and Poetry Scotland as well as several anthologies. Emily is the editor and judge of The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press's monthly ekphrastic challenges.