Christian Ward
The ancient oak
anchored in my dreams
never covets the night
offering its wares.
It speaks of ghost deer
drinking at an iron lake.
Foxes apparition
like conjurer tricks.
Wild blackberries
firework in bird stomachs.
The oak offers acorns
humble in their cups.
A single branch
is a library of more
than I could ever learn
in a lifetime. I kneel
before it always.
The roots of the tree
offer their guidance
when my shadow
wanes like declining
strength. Everything
pays their respects
when they bless new soil.
Its visions are compass
needles guiding me forward.
The ancient tree is a spirit
of the past, present and future.
I treasure it like a keepsake
Dr Marie Isabel Matthews-Schlinzig
Our elders used to call it
Namneskogen –
forest of the names.
Adults carved their yarns
deep into the breathing bark.
Stems fell. And grew.
Children’s hands traced
moss-embellished tales,
adding to our lore.
On special nights, under the
northern lights, the trees sang,
of themselves.
To hear their song, we called
for witnesses, as far and wide
as letters travelled.
Until one day, time
shaped itself into a sky-
high, icy wall.
Behind it, fjord, valley,
village disappeared. Faded
from remembrance, maps.
Since then, we’ve had
few visitors. Most are like
you, restless sleepers.
The people welcome you.
Embrace your silent face.
You walk among us
to the forest. What
do you see? A carving on a tree.
Look: it spells your name.
Written in response to an image by Stefan Keller and a story shared by a Norwegian friend.]
Ayumi Bessho was born in Japan. When she was a child, she lived in Barcelona but currently living in Japan. At university, she studied psychology and art therapy. Ayumi has participated in group exhibitions in London, New York and Beijing and held two solo exhibitions in Japan. She creates works using colors found in nature. And as a daily routine, Ayumi draws a picture diary.
Christian Ward is a UK-based writer with recent work in London Grip, Acumen, Dreich, Dream Catcher, Canary and elsewhere.
Dr Marie Isabel Matthews-Schlinzig is a copyeditor, translator, poet and author. Her debut poetry pamphlet, kinscapes (Dreich, 2022), is out now. She is the Editor of The Joy of Living – A poetry anthology in support of the Maggie's Centres (Dreich, 2022), Coeditor of Letters: A Handbook (De Gruyter, 2020) and Copyeditor Publications of the English Goethe Society. Bookstagram @schicketanz_books